Getting Started…

Greg Ray - Platinum Executive Team Leader

              Greg Ray
    Platinum Team Leader
Savings Highway Global


Welcome to Savings Highway Global Success

My name is Greg Ray. I am your Platinum Team Leader, and I want to welcome you to our team.

Be sure to check below for the two tasks I have for you to complete so we can get you off to a great start.

But first, I want to tell you a little about my success with Savings Highway Global and lay out a few benefits that I have prepared for you as a member of my team.

I discovered Savings Highway Global while vacationing back in 2019 when Steve Gresham, the founder and CEO of the company, sent me an email. I immediately joined, but I did not promote the business for the whole month of June.



I could see the potential for explosive growth, and I wanted to spend some time building my marketing funnel and training website… part of which you are viewing right now.

As of today, September 6, 2021, I have 41 personally referred members, and I have 104 total team members. I also have 51 Power Coded Team Members, which is very important as you’ll see when you view the compensation video.

I want to be honest… not everyone is active, but it is that way in ANY online business.

My matrix is completely filled on the first three levels and most of the fourth. The business is definitely working. I have at least some team members on most of the remaining levels of my matrix as well.

I am building this team site which has a growing list of resources that you can use to build your online business… and of course, there’s no cost to you since you are on my team.

You can share this team site with all of your referrals as well…


So That Brings Us To Task #1…

Check out this team membership site… you get free access to ALL of the resources… just one way I am working to help my team members reach success.

Once you are on the site, just go to the resources tab… that is where you will find the goodies I am putting together for my team.

Here’s that link:


Task #2 – Send Me Your Affiliate Link…

You need to go into your Savings Highway Global Back Office and click on the very top icon on the left side to go to your dashboard.

One of the first things listed is your affiliate link… mine is  ““, and yours will be very similar, except it will have YOUR User ID instead of mine.

I need you to email that link to me as soon as you can… my contact information is at the bottom of this post.



Since I have already filled my first three levels and more in the “forced matrix”… my marketing is no longer just for me. I now promote for each of my team members as well.

It is my goal to get you three personally referred team members, and fill your first two levels as soon as possible.



Once your get your first three personally referred team members and fill your first two levels, you will be in profit… plain and simple!


Additional perks…

I will also be building lead capture pages and autoresponder follow-ups for you as well (if you request them)… but the first step is for you to get your affiliate link sent to me… pronto! I need that to build your marketing funnel.

The bulk of my emails are sent out on Tuesdays… I send out over 300,000 email ads, and I want YOUR links to be included.


One Last Thing…

I am also adding you to an autoresponder message set I created for all of my “Gold” members and above. So watch for the emails with the following in the subject line… [SHG].

What does that stand for? Savings Highway Global… that’s just an easy way to identify my team emails so that you will not miss any critical information.

So, once again, it’s great to have you on my team.

Looking forward to working with you to build an amazing business for you.


Click Here To Access
Business Building Strategies Part 1

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