Building An Advertising Plan – Part 2

Let’s continue our discussion about building an Advertising Plan. If you missed Part 1… click here.

Today I am going to share 10 tips on how you can make your advertising plan more responsive and get more results.

1. Tell your audience what kind of support they’ll receive from you after they buy. This may also answer some of their biggest questions ahead of time. People don’t want to buy products without knowing you will be there to help if they have problems. Mention that we provide training and marketing funnels at no cost.

2. Carry business cards with you wherever you go. Have your web address printed on them. You can hand them out to anyone you meet. Just think of all the people you meet on a regular basis… grocery clerks, post office workers, bag boys, family members, friends, salesmen/women… you get the idea!

3. Think of a domain name for your web site that’s easy to remember. It should be related to what your business does, sells or provides. If there aren’t any business names available, use your actual birth name. You could at least brand yourself. Your own name will give you credibility.

4. Include a signature file on all the e-mails you send out. Provide your business name, phone number, e-mail and web address, etc. Also include a brief blurb for your business or the product you’re selling. For example, you could say, “How To Save Up To 75% On Hotels and Condos!”

5. Use pictures or graphics on your web site that support what you’re selling… travel and vacations! Include booking prices as well! You could compare the prices you fine on other sites like Expedia or Travelocity. They could give your visitors a clearer vision of your vacation packages, the savings, and people’s testimonials.

6. Create a friendly, long-term relationship with all your team members. Practice good customer service and follow-up with them on a regular basis. You could follow-up with gifts, greeting cards, free things, coupons, special offers, reminders, helpful advice, etc.

7. Create and follow short/long-term goals for your business. The short-term goals can create early success and the long-term goals can create future success. Design each goal so they all add up to your ultimate goal. Don’t make your goals too unrealistic otherwise depression and frustration could move you farther away from them.

8. NO HYPE – Forget about misleading ads or promising more than you can offer… in other words, no hype! Most people see right through the advertisements that are obviously too good to be true. Your viewers also don’t want you to constantly spam them, either through emails or on Facebook!

9. Price is a strong, important tool especially as more consumers are looking for a way to save money… compare the price of a week long stay in the “weeks” section of your travel engine.

10. Earn Trust… Many people feel taken advantage of by the horrors of online marketing over the last few years. It is important to distance yourself and your business from those companies. Focus instead on being a leader that is trustworthy, accessible, and always there to help your team.


I hope these ideas help in YOUR advertising plan.

If you have questions, I am here to help…


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