How Does the Marketing System Contribute To Your Success?

Greg Ray - Platinum Executive Team Leader

The Power Is In The System!

One of the most important questions you should ask as you evaluate a new business opportunity is this… “What type of system is in place that I can plug into to help ensure my success?”

No one needs to repeat other marketer’s mistakes, invest in strategies that won’t work, or miss out on the leadership, motivation, and guidance of a good mentor.

In every “exceptional” business opportunity there are also incredible team builders that have already pioneered the process for their teams.

My primary business opportunity features a proven marketing system… what you need to look for are the marketing system features and benefits offered by any business opportunity you are considering… such as:

  • A unique marketing system that leverages the Internet, as well as offline strategies to find interested people who want what we have to offer.
  • The marketing system screens out the ‘tire kickers”
  • Systems designed to speed up and automate your business
  • Personalized product and/or recruiting websites
  • On-demand 24 hour training that allows you to follow your own schedule

It is vitally important that you find an opportunity that features a proven and successful marketing system to plug into…


Look At What I am Building For MY TEAM:

As an example, let’s shift the focus and take a look at the resources and tools that I am building for the members of my team.  Then, ask yourself this question…

“Does the business I am considering do anything like this for its team members?”

In the previous section we talked about the importance of the marketing system. I feel so strongly about it that I am literally spending hours building upon what I have learned in my 10+ years in the online marketing niche to build just such a system.

All you would have to do is join my team and plug into the system.  And best of all, my system is free to everyone who joins my team, and to everyone that joins with them as well. So, let’s take a look at what I am building for my team members…


My Savings Highway Global Success Website

This first tool is basically complete…. and yet it is constantly growing as well as I add more benefits for my team members.

Yes, there will be additions and future modifications… I am always looking to improve my system.

Some of you will also be involved is this process as you build your “Savings Highway Global” business.  I will need blog posts and testimonials that tell your story.


I Market For My Team Members

I maintain a team rotator/tracker that includes everybody’s referral links on a rotation basis… all you have to do is send me your affiliate link and I will add it to the rotator.

My goal is to get you your first three referrals as soon as possible.


Because when you get three personal referrals you qualify for the complete compensation package.


Social Media Promotion Tools

One tool that everyone has access to… and doesn’t cost them a thing… is Social Media.  But not everyone is proficient at creating graphics and videos to promote their new business… and think of the time required!

On the team website just look for the “Resources” tab.  There’s where you will find the Social Media promotional resources and advertising examples you can modify and put to use promoting your own business.



An autoresponder is a great marketing tool… this is an email marketing service that automatically sends out messages to your subscriber list. You have several choices here.

Currently the company provides several different presentation pages that are connected to a built in autoresponder service.  Anyone who requests more information after viewing the video presentations are added to to this autoresponder.

I take this one step further for my team.  In addition to these company provided optin pages, I create additional optin pages connected to an autoresponder service that I pay for myself for me and my team.  I do this at no cost… just another perk for joining my team.

You will eventually want to get your own autresponder service… it is a tool that every online business needs at their disposal.  Savings Highway Global offers a package that contains an autoresponder, optin capture pages, and a lead contact system for just $20 per month. There are others also available… just email me and we can talk about it.

But until you get your ow autoresponder, I will provide AR services for you on your behalf.  All of the messages going out to your prospects will have YOUR referral links.  I will foot the bill until you are ready to get your own service.


Follow-Up Messages

Another tool you will need is the follow-up message set. Two options will be available for you.

If you utilize the “team provided” autoresponder, the message set will already be pre-loaded with your own referral links.

Also, in the “Resources” tab of the Savings Highway Global Success site, you will find some generic home business follow-up message sets that you can customize and use. They are already somewhat branded for the SH-Global business opportunity, but they can be modified for ANY Home Business that you might be considering.


Custom Lead Capture Pages

As mentioned above, another necessary tools for promoting your business are custom lead capture pages to build your subscriber list.  There are two things to think about when promoting your “SH-Global” business, or any business for that matter, with the company provided website:

  1. Most everyone else is using the same website… there’s nothing there to set YOU apart from the other affiliates.
  2. You basically get one shot… the prospect sees your website and they either join, or they leave.

By using a lead capture page to gather the prospects contact information, your autoresponder will send out daily messages daily to keep your prospect informed about your business and keep it on their mind.

It has been tested and proven that, on the average, a potential team member will need to see your message 7-10 times before they will join you.  Our follow-up messages currently number 15+, and I’m constantly adding and testing more.


Customized eBooks

Another great tool is my customized eBooks…  the first one is called the “Home Business Evaluation Guide” and you have seen the content already…  you’re reading it right now.

I have put it in an eBook form so that you can offer it via Social Media to your prospective team members.

I actually wrote this eBook over five years ago for the members of my team in another business opportunity, and I actually sold customized copies to other marketers who were NOT in my own personal downline.

The Second eBook I have created is called “Top Secret Report” and it focuses on the benefits of our Travel Business Club Membership.

The third eBook I am working on is called “Free and Low Cost Ways to Promote Your Business.”  Just as the title suggests, this eBook focuses on ideas you can utilize to promote your Savings Highway Global business… or any online business, for that matter.  That book is not completed yet, but will soon be available. 

All of the books will be customized with your referral links, portrait photos, and contact information.


Top Methods To Promote Savings Highway Global

In the “resources” tab you will also find advertising sources that have been TESTED BY ME to be effective for promoting your “Savings Highway Global” business.

You have two assets available as you build YOUR business… time and money.  You don’t want to waste either on advertising that doesn’t work.


Ad Copy Examples

One thing people new to the online business scene have difficulty with is coming up with ‘what to say” in their ads and promotions.

Yes, the company provides some help in this area, but remember, thousands of other affiliates are probably using these as well.  After awhile these get overused and stale… you always need new and vibrant copywriting.


This is NOT a complete list of benefits included for my team members.  I am constantly developing and testing new ideas… so check back to the resources tab often.


Remember that this is an evaluation tool that you can use to check out any home business that you may be part of… or that you may be considering.

To see how Savings Highway Global measures up, just click the “NEXT” button below…

