Why Do You Want to Start a Home Based Business?

Greg Ray - Platinum Executive Team Leader

ATTENTION: We’re in the business of changing lives…

Across the next several pages I will be presenting to you my Home Business Evaluation Guide.

This is a tool that I believe to be crucial to you in the decision process of evaluating and choosing a home business that will work best for your needs.

We will explore a series of questions that you must ask yourself as you explore the vast array of opportunities out there… your answers will help clarify your decision… so, here goes:

One of the first questions you must answer for yourself is this…

“Why do you want to start a home based business?”

If you don’t have a strong “WHY” motivation, you are just spinning your wheels… your business will fail before you even get it off the ground.

Spend some time and nail this down… it will save time and frustration later.

Here are some of many of the reasons you might choose to begin your own home business startup…


The number one reason people give for starting their own “work from home” business is money… in the long run, you will generate more income for yourself by running your own business than you will working for someone else. You will never become wealthy trading “work time” for “wages”… it’s just not going to happen. While there is never a guarantee of business success, getting wealthy as an employee is practically non-existent.


Another big reason that people give for starting a home business is income security. That sounds contrary to common sense… with a job, you are guaranteed to earn a wage. As an entrepreneur, there are never any guarantees of success. Yet each of us knows of someone who worked in the corporate world for years, only to be laid off because of their business downsizing or their job being outsourced overseas. Many people are discovering that there is really nothing safe about having a job.


The third reason people start up their own home-based business is that they are simply dissatisfied. They hate their job… they hate working for someone else… they don’t like having to go to someone else to ask about a day off, or if and when they can schedule vacation time… they don’t feel like they are being paid what they are really worth… or they just don’t like having to answer an alarm clock every morning. An ever-growing number of people are realizing that the way to deal with this is to start their own home business.


The last reason I want to discuss is that many people want their time to be their own. But, don’t be surprised that when you start up your own business, you will be putting in even more time that you were at a job. But, if you choose your business opportunity wisely, you will soon have complete control of the time you wish to work, spend with family, volunteer at a local charity… whatever you choose to do. Your successful business can even pay you when you are sleeping.
This may be the best reason to start a business. It allows you to work towards something that is all yours.


And this is just the tip of the iceberg… there are a multitude of reasons people are looking to start a home business.

You need to nail down YOUR WHY… and then help others discover theirs.


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