WHY Buy A “Saving Money” Membership?

The resort pictured above is Masters Place condos at Wyndham Pagosa… this is the exact “time share”condo at a 5 Star resort in Colorado that we purchased in 1986 for $8,000. I can show you how to book it for $249*… for the whole week… that’s $36 per night!


This story begins back in 1986…

My wife and I were young school teachers with two kids, 9 and 5 years old.

We were struggling each and every month just to make ends meet.

I remember taking my home computer to a pawn shop just to borrow enough cash to pay for prescription medication for one of my kids who was sick at the time. Times were that bad…

That summer we accepted an invitation to go to Pagosa Springs, Colorado for 3 days and two nights in a condo in exchange for attending a 1 hour presentation on their “time share” offer.

We scraped together enough cash to stay one night in Santa Fe, New Mexico on our way to, and one night in a hotel in Pagosa the day before arrival at our resort.

We went to the presentation, and it all sounded really good… we made the decision to do this for our family.

In reality, looking back, I don’t know how we managed the first year or two… but we did.

Because of that decision we were able to take our family on multiple summer trips to Colorado… and later on to Fairfield Bay, Arkansas… and Branson Missouri… and San Antonio… and Williamsburg, Virginia.

All total we have traveled 32 times to a dozen different Five-Star resorts in different cities across the US.

We sacrificed a lot of things to be able to travel like this with our family?

Why would we do this?… it definitely wasn’t always easy!

My daughter, who is all grown up now, puts it this way… it’s a lot more important to provide experiences than to provide things.

Let’s say I spend money on toys for the kids, or cell phones, or Air Jordan shoes… you name it. What’s gonna happen?  Your kids will either lose interest, see the next shiny object, and want something new… or the things you bought will quit working or be outdated…  right?

But if you provide your kids a quality experience like a trip to Colonial Williamsburg… white water rafting in Colorado… a visit to the Alamo… and you’re staying at a Five Star resort with all the amenities… you’ll be giving them memories they’ll never forget.

So, let me say that again… it’s a lot more important to provide experiences than to provide things!

That was our motivation, and I have never regretted the decision.

So, that’s why I say it’s important to acquire a”Saving Money” membership with travel savings as one of it’s primary benefits

But here’s the thing… we spent several thousand dollars for our timeshare… you don’t have to do that any more!

I discovered my Savings Highway Global membership which offers huge travel discounts for thousands less than I had to pay… you can book whole weeks at these same resorts starting at about $200… for the whole week!

And how much does this membership cost? Would you believe $20?

No kidding!


Let’s get you started NOW!

If you’re ready, here’s the link where you’ll be able to join…

==>   Savings Highway Global <==


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*Price quotes and availability for resort stays are constantly changing… it’s just the way the travel industry works.  But the examples I am sharing are very representative of the deals you’ll find.

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