Why Should I Build a Team?

Greg Ray - Platinum Executive Team LeaderLet’s look at that statement I already started… but this time, let’s finish it.

Retail Pays the Bills… Teams Build the Lifestyle!

Monthly retail sales are good, but monthly residual income is even better.

What would you rather have… the results of your own personal efforts… or 100% of your efforts PLUS 15-25% of your team’s efforts?  By leveraging other people’s efforts one can build an incredible “lifestyle” as well as walk-away income… retire while you are still young.

Team building is the key ingredient that creates the power of the network marketing business model.  But, you must build the team in the right way.  You must have your team members best interests at the heart of your business…  that is the reason network marketing has gotten such a bad reputation.

I have personally been in a business with leaders of questionable character…  it didn’t do much except get me thousands of dollars on my credit card and a room full of products… that I couldn’t sell.  I literally had to eat those expenses…  lot’s of protein shakes!

The leadership cared much more for their profits than my ability to affordably build my business… that results in a huge turnover of distributors as well… bring them in… convince them to buy a ton of product… and then forget about them as they fall away and quit.  This type of leader even believe that is is ALL the new distrubutors fault that they couldn’t recruit and sell like they did themselves.

In my current business we have three levels to get started… one at $20, one at $100, and one at $200.  We help people save money on things they already spending their hard earned cash on through our savings portal.  The Gold affiliate earns the same commissions as the $100 Platinum affiliate… they just can’t offer as many different products, such as the new health care plan.  Since you are not burdened with huge product inventories and large startup investments, affiliates can more easily build their business without financial strain… but more on that later.

Anyway, I’ll get off my soapbox now…

So far we have discussed why you should start a home-based business.

We looked at the benefits as well as the pro’s and con’s of the different aspects of home business ownership.

We also explored several home-based business models and how to find the best product for you to market.

Once you have selected the business model and type of product, you must then consider how you will market your products.

Also, in the case of a business that utilizes network marketing as a business model, you will also need to come up with a plan on how you will attract and recruit new team members.

The answer is that you will need a great marketing system.  To learn more about that click the “NEXT” button below…

