Marketing Articles to Download

Writing articles and posting them online is one of the methods outlined on the Top Methods To Promote Savings Highway Global page located in the Getting Started section. Of course, each article needs to contain links back either your Savings Highway Global optin pages or one of your SHGS Affiliate pages… or BOTH!

There are lots of places to upload your articles… online marketing sites such as “MLM Gateway” immediately comes to mind. You could post your short articles on Facebook or other Social Media sites. There are Article Submission Sites like,,, or

The articles could be turned into presentations using Powerpoint and then uploaded or other similar sites.

The list is endless…

The biggest problem with this method of promoting your site is coming up with ideas for your articles.

For this reason I have created a page with over 25,000 articles related either to travel or to building a network marketing business online… all you have to do is click on the icons above the description of each file to download them.

You can profit from this collection in two ways… the first, of course, is using them in your marketing as outlined above.

The second way is to learn from them…

For example, there are 327 articles on advertising. I’ve gotta believe that there are one or two great ideas that will help you in your business… right?

Understand this about PLR articles… some of them are of poor quality. Some of them are outdated. Some of them may just not fit your needs.

For ths reason you need to be picky about the articles you choose to use. Do your due diligence and research… just use the articles as a starting point for ideas… not as the final product.

And most importantly, DON’T JUST COPY AND PASTE… that will do you NO GOOD AT ALL!

One last thing… you will possibly need to install a .zip file utility such as “winzip” or “7zip” to unpack these files.

With that said, here are the article packs…


Click the images below to download
the article packs to your computer

PLR ArticlesDownload 327 Articles on Advertising


PLR ArticlesDownload 201 Articles on Writing Articles


PLR ArticlesDownload 244 Articles on Attraction Marketing


PLR ArticlesDownload 47 Articles on AutoResponders


PLR ArticlesDownload 849 Articles on Blogging


PLR ArticlesDownload 316 Articles on Coaching


PLR ArticlesDownload 24 Articles on Copywriting


PLR ArticlesDownload 25 Articles on Creating An Online Biz


PLR ArticlesDownload 485 Articles on Entrepreneurs


PLR ArticlesDownload 12 Articles on Forums


PLR ArticlesDownload 542 Articles on Goal Setting


PLR ArticlesDownload 1,121 Articles on Home Based Business


PLR ArticlesDownload 1,183 Articles on Internet Marketing


PLR ArticlesDownload 134 Articles on Leadership


PLR ArticlesDownload 590 Articles on Making Money


PLR ArticlesDownload 45 Articles on Making Money wirh Articles


PLR ArticlesDownload 3,384 Articles on Marketing


PLR ArticlesDownload 26 Articles on
Marketing Your Business on the Internet


PLR ArticlesDownload 26 Articles on MLM


PLR ArticlesDownload 223 Articles on Motivation


PLR ArticlesDownload 72 Articles on Networking


PLR ArticlesDownload 28 Articles on Podcasts


PLR ArticlesDownload 25 Articles on Productivity


PLR ArticlesDownload 45 Articles on Self-Confidence


PLR ArticlesDownload 66 Articles on Self-Development


PLR ArticlesDownload 452 Articles on Website Promotion


PLR ArticlesDownload 25 Articles on Social Networking


PLR ArticlesDownload 470 Articles on Success

PLR ArticlesDownload 4,126 Articles on Time Management

PLR ArticlesDownload 344 Articles on Traffic Generation

PLR ArticlesDownload 11,592 Articles on Travel


PLR ArticlesDownload 26 Articles on Work At Home Moms


PLR ArticlesDownload 113 Articles on Working from Home