Initial Calling Script
Hello _______? I’m calling you because I was just notified by one of my websites that you have indicated that you have an interest in making some additional income by working from home! Is that right?
OK, great! I think I have something that could fit what you’re looking for… plus, I have a 3 day 2 night Vacation Getaway Voucher for you just for taking the time to visit with me! OK?
I’ll keep this short as I don’t want to take up much of your time.
I would like to send you an email with a link to a website containing a short video that will explain everything that we do! This should give you a really good idea of everything involved…
May I send you that email with the link?
OK, great! Is this your best email? (Read them their email address to confirm)
Be watching for an email with the subject line that reads… “Here’s the work from home information you requested.”
OK, one last thing. This video is very short… just under 3 minutes. If you have an interest you can request more information on the web page and it will take you to a more in-depth look at what we do. When do you think you’d be able to view the video?
One last thing… when may I call you to answer any of your questions? And I promise… NO pressure! I don’t work that way. (Get off the phone)